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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Desert Town - Accessories

Built:  April 2012

The ability to accessorize, is what separates us from the animals....

Balsa wood Merchant stalls.
With replaceable divided table top sections - as this will allow me to use these for a variety of time periods - colonial, VSF, and modern - simply by changing what the merchant is selling - fruits & nuts, ancient books & tomes & elixirs, etc, etc.

Bamboo skewers lashed together with thread (liberally coats with white glue, for security), make the sun covers for the stalls.
Cheese cloth, covered in white glue make the aged canvas material.

Still wet (above).  Dry (below)

Revisco tent & barrels (I believe), 28mm.
I found these very light weight, and as I dislike my terrain moving, I added some modelling clay for weight.  However, when the clay dried, it had shrunk, and I had to super glue the clay into position.  They have a nice heft now, and don't feel like hollow plastic items.

The cheap plastic fountain centre came from a Dollar Store Cinderella kit  - which also came with 2 40mm female figures, and a horse drawn coach suitable for 28mm!

A large flat fender washer in the bottom, once again for added weight - with a smaller washer to raise the fountain up that little bit, above some additional glue to make the water in the fountain smooth.  Pink insulation foam, cared into a ring makes the outside of this.

Resin 20mm items here, but close enough for 28mm work.
The resin explosions on the Right hand side I couldn't decided what to do with - as I had no immediate need for  explosions markers.  These got painted red, and used as vegetation for VSF games on Mars.
In the back, a resin African drum, a fireplace, and a 54mm+ Victorian Xmas decoration hand pump (rather out of scale for 28mm, but by itself, it looks ok).
Everything mounted on fender washers, and texture with drywall compound - and soon to be painted to match the table top.

Plastic wishing well, from the Cake Decorating section of the local craft store.


Stalls, mounted on fender washers.
In the middle row:  2 plastic Cots, a resin African Oven and large pot...  suitable for Cannibals I suppose.

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