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Saturday, February 2, 2013


Not everything I build works out.
Sometimes the Devil is in the Details.
Sometimes my Imagination exceeds my Ability.

These are a variant of boxes from the Dollar Store.  Notably a couple are in the perfect shape of a peaked roof building, one has a curved top, and another is cylindrical for holding a wine bottle.  All great shaping for buildings.

I decided to build some Jungle Huts out of these boxes, and cover them with various materials, to get that bamboo & grass roofed hut feeling.  - a Straw Crafting Mesh, Burlap Bag, Straw Place Mats  (all from the Dollar Store).

After cutting the building (dam that card board material was hard to cut by hand!) (note also the sloped roofs on a few of these with shorter rear walls), and applying the burlap, I noticed a problem.  While I accounted for the the width of the material while soft - once glued, they became rather hard, and difficult to get the roofs back on.  Unacceptable.

These was to be a arabian tower of some sorts.  The dome was a half a styrofoam sphere, and cork sheet was used to make the balcony floor & walls.   Once again, this material was bloody hard to cut, and produced some un-level edges.  The interior steps are reinforced balsa, and wit the sections being removable made the tower very playable for single 28mm figures.  However... when I went to paint it, turns out that the paper is plastic coated, and paint doesn't adhere to it!  Too much wrong with this project, so it went to the Unacceptable pile.

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